Autumn Craft Ideas for Everyone!

You’ve worked hard in the garden all year and now that autumn has rolled around, you’re ready for a wee break. Sweet, because we’ve got some nifty autumn craft ideas that the whole family can enjoy doing. We challenge you to choose at least two and then share them with us!

7 Autumn Craft Ideas for the Whole Family

We’ve picked our top seven favourite ideas for autumn crafts to share with you:

1.     Pumpkin spice biscuits – pumpkin pie may be an American thing, but we’re certain that NZer’s will want to claim this delicious recipe for pumpkin spice biscuits for themselves. Even better, it’s gluten free, egg free and dairy free.

2.     Pumpkin planter – grown a lot of pumpkins? Here’s a crafty garden themed idea. Plant those annual flower or vegetable seedlings inside a hollowed-out pumpkin instead of a pot. Makes sure to put some holes in the bottom for drainage.

3.     No-sew autumn leaf cushion – a nice one to do with the kids. Gather up a collection of different shaped autumn leaves. Trace around each of these leaves using a pen directly onto different coloured felt pieces. Use some fabric glue to attach the leaf shapes onto a cushion cover and display proudly inside.

4.    Painted vegetable stones – gather up a pile of smooth stones or pebbles. Wash and dry these. Then paint each stone up as a different vegetable. These stones can be used as seed or row markers in the garden or in seedling containers, so you remember what you planted!

5.     Autumn leaf lion – great for younger kids. Gather a bunch of fallen leaves and place them in the shape of a lion’s mane use as many as they like, the more leaves the fuller the mane.  For more info visit Hello Wonderful.

6.    Pinecone bird feeders – if you’re lucky enough to find or have some, pinecone bird feeders are a lovely way to help feed your garden birds over the upcoming winter. Tie string around the pinecone, leaving a long loop to hang it with. Use a combination of lard and bird seeds or peanut butter on the pinecone and hang on a tree branch.

7.     Autumn tic-tac-toe – gather 12 reasonably sized smooth pebbles, and wash and dry them. Undercoat each of the pebbles with a light-coloured paint. On 6 of the pebbles, paint an autumn symbol. On the other 6 pebbles, paint a different symbol. Create a 3 by 3 grid and enjoy playing autumn tic-tac-toe with each other. Your grid could be made on wood, cardboard or even drawn in the dirt outside.

Do you have any other ideas for autumn crafts?
We’d love to know, so drop us a line.

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